Buying or leasing hotels / gastronomy properties with up to 25 rooms with ASP

"ASP currently has around 85 hotels, guesthouses, apartment facilities and bed-and-breakfasts with up to 25 rooms / 50 guest beds exclusively available for sale, as an investment opportunity or to lease in numerous countries and various different categories."

Hotels up to 25 keys rooms for sale international Hotelbroker ASP

18 Objects found

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  • Tierpark Tirol
Kind of property Wildlife park
City Bezirk Kitzbühel
Country Austria
Purchase price € 3'475'000
Ref.Nr. ASP-AT176340

Well-known animal park and traditional inn and restaurant for sale in the Kitzbühel district. Popular sight seeing spot.

Kauf / Eigennutzung

  • PL Haupthaus
Kind of property Villa
City Montecatini-Terme
Country Italy
Plot size 28'000 sqm
Living area 250 sqm
Number of rooms 11
Year of construction 1750
Purchase price € 865'000
Ref.Nr. IT51010

Toskana - Traumhaft renovierte ALTE MÜHLE bei Montecatini mit 28.000 qm Weinbergen und Olivenhainen