
“我需要有经验的合作伙伴,他们能给我在投资、购买/租赁、销售/出租 休闲、健康和体育地产方面提供全面的建议和实际帮助 !”

Leisure, Health and Sport Property Experts

"I need experienced partners who can offer help and advice regarding all aspects of leisure, health and sport properties; be it investment, buying/renting or selling/letting!"

Expert Broker Ski resorts, golf courses, adventure parks, sports parks

自1983年以来, ASPI股份公司已发展成在休闲、健康和运动地产中介领域国际领先的经纪公司。在这方面,为每个物业找到合适的买主以及为每位客户找到合适的物业以及解决方案也同样是我们的终极目标。



Since 1983 the ASPI AG has developed to become an international market leader in the leisure, health and sport real estate brokerage industry and strives to find the right buyer for every property and the right property and solution for every customer.

A specific condition, size, selling price, occupancy rate or efficiency are not prerequisites when it comes to ASP agreeing to help sell/let a hotel or gastronomy establishment. It is, however, important that these factors are reflected in the selling price/lease rates. This enables us to find a buyer/investor/lessee within an economically viable and foreseeable time frame.

ASP Leisure, Sport and Health Property Experts: