Why should I register with ASP?

"So the employees of ASPI AG can best advise, serve, and support you"

ASP registration for hotel buyers sellers castle buyers hotel investors

Please register / please login

Certain areas of our website / our real estate portfolio are only accessible if you register with your contact information, or log in with your access data / login - if you have already registered.

Why does ASP want to know my correct data and further details when registering?

Very simply, because we want to understand you and your preferences, because we take our potential customers very seriously and want to offer you professional service and support to the best of our ability.

To do this, we need some information from you, who you are, how we can reach you, what you are looking for, what your wishes and concerns are - and how we can help you to meet them.

We will use this information and your preferences to ensure you are referred to the correct department and allocated the most suitable specialist, consultant, or hotel broker at ASP.

If you do not provide your full correct postal address our employees cannot send you details about the requested properties.

If you do not provide a correct phone number, we cannot call you should we have any questions about your request.

For specific property requests, the property owner may also want to know exactly who is interested in his real estate.

What are the advantages of registering with ASP?

Registering with ASP will allow you to glance at the range of hotel properties, castles and historic real estate, recreational real estate and luxury real estate we have an offer and gain you access to restricted areas.

In addition, after registering you can submit a much more detailed search request for your dream property to ASP Global Hotel brokers. You can also access further services and information provided by Auer/Springer/Partner/International to help you in your search for your dream property.

The ASP specialist broker can use the details you provide us with to collate suitable properties and send you corresponding property particulars without having to repeatedly ask you for information.

After registering you will receive information about ASP properties that match your specifications, even those properties that are not yet officially in public circulation and may not be for many months.

Upon registering you can sign up to receive the latest real estate offers from ASP.

Informations regarding your registration with ASP

Please make sure that your email address is correct. We will send an email to the address provided so that you can complete the registration process.

During registration please be sure to complete all of the required fields marked with a *, so that the registration can be accepted. 

ASP will keep your personal information confidential and neither sell nor lease it to third parties. More information can be found in the  Privacy Policy section at the end of this website.

Please only register if you explicitly agree to our Terms and Conditions, our Disclaimers and our Privacy Policy.

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